Alloca: allocate memory on stack

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19 Tem 2011

# Example #
Caveat: alloca is only mentioned here for the sake of completeness. It is entirely non-portable (not covered by any of the common standards) and has a number of potentially dangerous features that make it un-safe for the unaware. Modern C code should replace it with Variable Length Arrays (VLA).

#include <alloca.h>
// glibc version of stdlib.h include alloca.h by default

**** foo(int size) {
    char *data = alloca(size);
      function body;
    // data is automatically freed

Allocate memory on the stack frame of the caller, the space referenced by the returned pointer is automatically free'd when the caller function finishes.

While this function is convenient for automatic memory management, be aware that requesting large al******** could cause a stack overflow, and that you cannot use free with memory allocated with alloca (which could cause more issue with stack overflow).

For these reason it is not recommended to use alloca inside a loop nor a recursive function.

And because the memory is free'd upon function return you cannot return the pointer as a function result (the behavior would be undefined).

# Summary #

call identical to malloc
automatically free'd upon function return
incompatible with free,realloc functions (undefined behavior)
pointer cannot be returned as a function result (undefined behavior)
a l l o c a t i o n size limited by stack space, which (on most machines) is a lot smaller than the heap space available for use by malloc()
a v o i d using alloca() and VLAs (variable length arrays) in a single function
alloca() is not as portable as malloc() et al

# Recommendation #

Do not use alloca() in new code
Modern alternative.

**** foo(int size) {
    char data[size];
      function body;
    // data is automatically freed

This works where alloca() does, and works in places where alloca() doesn't (inside loops, for example). It does assume either a C99 implementation or a C11 implementation that does not define


Translator: DrEngerek
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