How to Remove Minus & Plus Characters in Javascript


Moderasyon Tim Lideri
7 Tem 2013


Open the HTML file you want to add Javascript to in your text editor.

Create the Javascript tags by typing the following in the text editor: <script type=”text/JavaScript”> </script>. The tags tell the Web browser to execute the code between the tags as Javascript. The remaining code will be written between the tags.


Remove the plus signs using the replace() function by writing the following code:

myString = myString.replace(/\+/g, “”);

Change “myString” to the name of the string you want to remove plus signs from.

Remove the minus signs by typing the following code:

myString = myString.replace(/\-/g, “”);

Substitute “myString” with the name of the string you want to remove minus signs from.

Save the file, then load it into a Web browser by typing the address of the file in the address bar.
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