Pardus İnstall

Ghost Killer

Özel Üye
13 Ocak 2019
yes you can use pardus. most people love to use it. If you have problems with the installation, you can write it here. good forums.


Katılımcı Üye
11 Nis 2021
It's a very good idea, but I couldn't understand your problem, I will help you if you reply.


Yeni üye
9 Kas 2021
It's a good system that I would recommend to you. You can download and use it.
good day, good forums.
Hi, ok. thanks
okay, so whats your problem? if you thing use pardus, you can use :)
Hi i am not problem, only ask.
yes you can use pardus. most people love to use it. If you have problems with the installation, you can write it here. good forums.
Hi , thanks for reply.
It's a very good idea, but I couldn't understand your problem, I will help you if you reply.
Hi i am not problem only ask.
It's a very good idea, but I couldn't understand your problem, I will help you if you reply.
Hi i will use Pardus for ask you.
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