What Is Sandboxie


Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021
What Is Sandboxie and How Is It Used?


Sandboxie is a program that defends your computer. It is free. You can find detailed answers to the questions of What is Sandboxie, what is Sandboxie good for, at this location.


Sandboxie is a software that is used to open a virtual installation disk in order to eliminate the risk of possible damage to your computer by software installations. The malware installed in the virtual disk never spreads to your computer. It has been used extensively by computer users for over 10 years.

If there is a dangerous virus in the software downloaded to your computer, when you open this software on your virtual disk, you can easily recover it without leaving any traces and before dangerous viruses spread to your computer.

Since Sandboxie produces virtual recording and virtual disk on your computer, the programs you open are READ but NOT WRITED to your computer.

It is easy to clean and delete as it is written on the virtual disk.

With the help of the Sandboxie program, your computer is not damaged and you get rid of its slowdown.

After downloading the Sandboxie program, a shortcut to the desktop is created. It opens by double-clicking the Sandboxie icon on the desktop. After that, you can open and run the program you want on the created disk.


How to Use Sandboxie

Let's open the Sandboxie program by double-clicking it. After opening, Sandboxie Control and Software Compatibility window will open. All the programs installed on your computer and a list of programs that can work with them will appear before us. You can add or remove programs you want or don't want with the ADD and REMOVE buttons.


After selecting everything necessary, continue by pressing the OK button. In order for you to use the program easily, a user wizard window will open. Definitely take the tutorial given by the usage wizard. You will see an icon in the lower right corner. Click this Sandboxie icon DELETE CONTENTS and click NEXT to complete the tutorial offered by the wizard. In the Sandboxie Control window, click Sandboxie DefaultBox and select which program you want to open on your computer from the Run with Sandboxie section.


The program you are running with Sandboxie or your web browser will have a yellow color around the edges, this yellow color indicates that you are running the program on the virtual disk. After you have finished working in the virtual disk, you can exit your virtual disk by pressing the DELETE CONTENT button as shown by the usage wizard.
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### Source: Sandboxie Nedir ve Nasıl Kullanılır? ###

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