How to Clean Phone Memory?

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19 Tem 2011
Hi guys! We must admit that phones have great importance. We use it nearly everything; to call someone, to have some fun, sometimes because of boredom, to play some games and such these things. But sometimes everyone may have problems with their phones. It slows down, overheats in two shakes, charges slowly but dies fast, shutdowns for no reason, etc. For all of them, memory being full may affect it. Here are some tips about what could be the reason memory is full and how to deal with them.

- Large Size Videos and Pictures
- Unnecessary Movies and Musics that We Downloaded
- Unnecessary Files
- Social Media Applications
- Unnecessary Applications
- Some Junk Files that Phone Created by Itself

How it's time to explain how to deal with them.

First of all, let's check it out how is our memory state right now. Go to the Storage from Settings.


Large Size Videos and Pictures

One of the biggest problems, videos and pictures. You can clean it from your devices easily.

Unnecessary Movies and Musics that We Downloaded

Even if it's seldom some of us download some movies to watch it but not delete it or maybe forget to delete it. These files may be so unnecessary. So is music, too. You can delete all the musics that you're not gonna listen it anymore.

Unnecessary Files

Sometimes because of lack of money, but sometimes you just don't wanna spend it, we download some .apk files instead of downloading directly from Play Store. Even if we uninstall these applications, theirs' .apk files still in the download folder. Not just .apk files. You can earn some spaces by deleting all the junk files such as .apk, .zip, .rar, etc.

Social Media Applications

There are hundreds of social media applications such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. If is there any platform that you've never used it before, just delete it.

Unnecessary Applications

There are every kind of applications like games, music, video, chat, news, etc. You can detect some applications in your phone but you're not gonna use it anymore.

Some Junk Files that Phone Created by Itself

It's hard to delete these files manually. To do that, you can use some applications called "Clean Master" and "CCleaner" that you can find that Play Store easily. Not just system files, you can even uninstall some unnecessary applications too.


Now it's time for result.





Translator: R4V3N
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